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What to Expect

Our Sunday morning worship services begin at 10:00 am and typically ends by 11:30 am. We meet in the Sanctuary upstairs (elevator is available). Nursery care is available every Sunday for children under 5 years of age. Dress is casual, though some members enjoy wearing their Sunday best.


Our worship service moves in three parts:


Part 1: The Prayers and Praise of God's People

Welcome & Responsive Reading (usually from the Psalms)

Prayer of Praise & Thanks

The singing of hymns (both old and new)

Prayer of Confession


Part 2: The Ministry of the Word

Readings from the Old and New Testaments

The preaching of Christ grounded in the Scripture texts 
(NOTE: we usually work through a book of the Bible)


Part 3: The Response of God's People

The singing of a hymn in response to the message

Any special announcements

Prayers of supplication and/or communion (1st Sunday of the month)

The giving of tithes and offerings

Closing hymn and benediction


After service, all are welcome to stay for fellowship downstairs in Friendship Hall.





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