Market Street Baptist Church
Easter Plant Sale for Building Fund
Easter Plant Sale
Hello church family,
On Easter Sunday, March 31 our sanctuary will be decorated with Lilies, Tulips Hyacinths, & Azaleas purchased by the congregation to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ our Lord.
Plants are $10 & $20 & $25 each… see order form
Proceeds go to the Building Fund (pays down the parsonage purchase loan.)
After Easter Sunday worship is done you may take your plants home or leave for the next Sunday.
Think ahead about your flower garden planting needs or Easter gifts!
Where to find order forms:
Order Form HERE! & Paper copies in Sunday's bulletin: March 3
Deadline to place an order is Sunday, March 17.
Payment: cash or checks made to: MSBC, note: flowers
Leave form & payment: in the collection box, church office, mail to church (37 Market St, Amesbury) or give to Laura Nikas
Worship/Welcome Deacon
Laura Nikas